Dick Brown

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 Contact Dick at dick@dickbrownbonefishing.com or 978 314 6879 to request autographed copies shipped directly to you. Or you can purchase them from any of the sources listed on the Books page of this site. 

newRead Dick's interview on the NEWS Page with Reel-Time.com’s co-founder David Churbuck and get the inside story about the new editions of his books, including the just released Bonefish Fly Patterns, 2nd Edition.

newRead Florida Fly Fishing Magazine's comprehensive review of Bonefish Fly Patterns, 2nd Edition: “For my money and yours, if you were to buy only one fly tying book this year, it would be Bonefish Fly Patterns. I’ve got mine, and no, you can’t borrow it.”  Read also Global Fly Fisher’s review of the book: “Any bonefishing first timer should be even better off with this new edition, and people who have experience with the ghost of the flats will most definitely enjoy the book too ... and learn a lot.”

Dick has authored two definitive books on the pursuit of what some call the ultimate game fish in saltwater angling. See what readers and critics have to say about both books.

Fly Fishing for Bonefish Reviews

“I think this book is terrific. Best thing on bonefishing around by miles.” —Howell Raines, New York Times Editor

“A classic … Dick Brown tells virtually everything a fly fisher needs to know about the sport ... a superb book.” —John Randolph, Fly Fisherman

“It is hard to imagine a more thorough treatise.” —Salt Water Sportsman

“I loved it … easily the best on the subject.” —Tom McGuane, author of Ninety-Two in the Shade and An Outside Chance

“I consider Fly Fishing for Bonefish a true benchmark in the literature.” —Nick Curcione, author of the Orvis Guide to Saltwater Fly Fishing

Bonefish Fly Patterns Reviews

“Today ... with the publication of the new edition of Bonefish Fly Patterns, I feel honored to have been a small part in an unprecedented effort that is as important and pertinent now, as the day it was published.” —Tim Borski, innovative artist, expert angler, superlative flats fly designer, and contributor to Bonefish Fly Patterns

Bonefish Fly Patterns is a great book—truly definitive—it will last a long time.” —Howell Raines, author of Fly Fishing Through the Midlife Crisis and New York Times editor

“The first edition of Bonefish Fly Patterns has always sat within arm's reach of my vise and I thought it always would.  But with over 45 new patterns, the revised edition is sure to take the original's spot as the definitive guide to bonefish bugs.”—Dave Skok, professional fly tier, author, photographer, and IGFA world record holder

“Bonefish Fly Patterns, 2nd Edition by Dick Brown is the go-to book for bonefish fly patterns—it contains all the patterns tied by their originators.”—Bob Veverka, author of Innovative Saltwater Flies, and one of the best saltwater fly designers and tiers on the planet

It’s more than just another fly tying book; it’s more like a grad course on bonefishing and the flies that make it work. For my money and yours, if you were to buy only one fly tying book this year, it would be Bonefish Fly Patterns.”—Ed Maurer, Florida Fly Fishing Magazine

Brown gives very detailed descriptions of the materials needed to tie the flies, excellent step-by-step tying instructions and color photos of the finished flies. In addition, (he) tells you the originator of the pattern, what the fly should mimic, how it should be stripped and more. With the 197 patterns in this book, you should have what you need to fool a favorite fly-rod fish in just about any location on the planet.”—Fly Fishing in Salt Waters magazine



“Updated with more pages, even more facts, better layout and much better pictures, this has again become the classic it once was, and is a must-read for all who ventures off for bones – or wants to.”—Martin Joergensen, Global Fly Fisher

“The most highly charged moment in fishing is anticipating the take or refusal of a bonefish fly. Brown’s new book teaches you how to assure the “take” in this modern, clearly written treasure of fly construction, selection, and usage. I intend to devour it as avidly as I’d want a double digit bonefish to devour my fly.” —Vic Gaspeny, veteran Florida Keys flats guide, tournament competitor, and IGFA fly-rod bonefish record holder (14lb 6oz bonefish)



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